Sunday, August 24, 2014

Week 1: Famous Last Words

Reflecting on this week, I am satisfied with my work so far in this class. There is nothing that I am exceptionally proud of, but I did feel that I got to practice and sharpen my storytelling skills a little bit, which will definitely prove to be a valuable skill later on in this course. This is something that I am really excited about because although I am interested in it, I have never taken a creative writing class. Looking forward to the coming weeks in this semester, I am thrilled to get a chance to think in unconventional ways to tell the best tale.

This week, I had the privilege of reading a lot of new stories and nursery rhymes and some very interesting recounts of classics. I had never heard of most of these, and for the stories that I am familiar with, it is always a pleasure to get a fresh take on them. I loved reading other people's storytelling blog posts to see the extra details that they injected, the new settings that they incorporated, and the different interpretations of the same stories. Short stories and nursery rhymes leave a lot of blank spaces for the imagination to fill, and I love seeing all of the unique ways that people can twist the same words.

More than that, however, I enjoyed reading the introduction blog posts within my group. It was really interesting to see the different majors present in this class, and more than that, I loved getting to read about the unique hobbies that people had. Some of these will inspire me to take up more outdoor activities (for example, mountain climbing--something I have always wanted to do). Overall, it was great getting to know my classmates a little and reading about the different backgrounds in the class.

I've always loved hiking and the idea of mountain climbing. Source: Wikipedia.


  1. Hello again, Chelsea! I was reading what you said about nursery rhymes and short stories having a lot of places to fill in with your own story, and I think you are completely right! I think a lot of assumptions are made when we think of nursery rhymes and when you discount those assumptions, there is a lot within the rystory you could run away with. For example: Humpty Dumpty is always depicted as an egg, yet nowhere in the rhyme does it ever say that he is an egg! So I feel like you could do a lot with this story if you ignore the assumption that Humpty Dumpty is an egg (though the story may take a bit of a morbid turn!)

  2. I would love to know how things are going for you now that we are in the 8th week of classes! Did you get to take up mountain climbing or any other sort of outdoor activities? I feel the same about how this class is getting me more interested in creative writing and I really appreciate how it is making me work on my writing skills more! I have always loved writing, I just haven't been very good at it and I definitely feel like this class is helping me to improve my writing skills!

  3. Everything that you mentioned in your introduction, I also experienced the first week. I have truly never taken a class similar to this one, and it has been an experience! There are times, now, that I feel a little overwhelmed with the work in here, but in the end it is all enjoyable. I think reading over other's stories is my overall favorite part of this course! Hope you're enjoying your semester!

  4. I also agree with what you said about how in the beginning of the semester it was more important to just get used to the flow of the class. As time had gone on and the semester is half way over I think it is kind of fun to go back and look at how my writing hos progressed throughout the semester!
